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A comprehensive psychological or psycho-educational assessment helps to understand an individual's unique learning profile and their areas of strengths and challenge. I am able to provide assessments for children and youth from age 6 years to 25 years.


The type of psychological assessment I do may help to identify a Learning Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), intellectual disabilities, giftedness, or other exceptional qualities that may be impacting schooling, home life, and work. Additional areas examined as part of an assessment include current social, emotional,  behavioral, and adaptive functioning. 


I do not provide assessments for the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), however I am able to provide other assessments for youth who already have this diagnosis. 


Psychological assessments can be helpful if there is an Individual Education Plan (IEP) at school as the results can guide IEP  goals, adaptations, and accommodations. For older youth, an assessment may help with gaining supports and adaptations at high school, college or university such as assisted technology and accommodations for exams.  For children who do not have an IEP, an assessment and any formal diagnoses (e.g., learning disorder, behavioral and/or mental health concerns) can be helpful in getting your child designated at school as requiring extra, individualized support.


Some examples of referral questions and concerns:

  1. "My 8 year old son is struggling to learn to read and write. His teacher told me he seems worried at school (e.g., chewing his shirt collar; going to the bathroom many times) and is not fitting in with other children. My son says he hates school and we are seeing meltdowns at home (e.g., hitting, screaming, crying). Does he have a learning disability?"

  2. "My 11 year old daughter has started middle school and her teacher wonders if she has ADHD. Her grades have dropped and she seems very sad. Can you help us figure out what is going on?"

  3. "My 19 year old son is starting College. He was diagnosed with ADHD and Autism when he was young and we think he is gifted in Math and Science. However, he can't write very well and takes a very long time to get his work done. We wonder if an assessment may help with him getting supports at school."


​​A typical assessment has five parts:


  • Intake Interview (90 min session)

    • I meet with parents/caregivers (and the youth when appropriate) to ask about current concerns and goals for the assessment.

    • During this interview I will be asking questions around developmental history, school/academics, medical history, previous assessments, and social history. Providing copies of report cards and other previously done assessments (e.g., speech and language, occupational therapy, audiology, previous psychology assessment) are helpful.


  • Psychometric Testing (2 half-days)

    • The child or young adult will spend time one-on-one at the office with myself or a psychometrist. There are a variety of tests that are used to answer the referral questions.

    • Testing can assess cognitive abilities, memory and learning skills, executive functioning, attention, fine motor and visual spatial skills, language skills, and academics.

    • Formal testing usually takes 5 to 8 dedicated hours of one-on-one time that is often split over two days. The duration and frequency of the testing is adjusted to individual needs.


  • Assessment of Social-Emotional and Behavioral Functioning

    • I collect collateral and qualitative information through clinical interviews with parents/caregivers, teachers, and the child or young adult. I will also review responses to questionnaires that parents, teachers and clients are asked to complete.


  • Report and Recommendations

    • I will write a comprehensive report on the scored test results, interview insights, and questionnaire information. The report includes relevant diagnoses (DSM-5) and recommendations for school accommodations and at-home support strategies.


  • Feedback Session (60 min)

    • We will meet to go over the report and discuss any diagnoses, recommendations and further questions.




Click here to learn more about my fees for this service.





Disability Tax Credit


The Canada Disability Tax Credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit that helps persons with disabilities or their supporting persons reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay. An individual may claim the disability amount once they are eligible for the DTC. This amount includes a supplement for persons under 18 years of age at the end of the year.


The purpose of the DTC is to provide for greater tax equity by allowing some relief for disability costs, since these are unavoidable additional expenses that other taxpayers don’t have to face.


There are specific guidelines and restrictions for this tax credit.  Please ask whether you or your child may be eligible and whether your assessment qualifies for me to waive my processing fee.

Individual Therapy and Parenting Supports


I provide therapy for children and youth up to age 19 years


I use a collaborative and strengths based approach that helps foster resilience in children and youth. I believe that "Kids do well if they can" (Dr. Ross Greene). When they are not doing well it is the job of the adults to help figure out what is going on to best support them.


Working with parents and caregivers. My preference is to involve parents and caregivers as needed (with permission from older youth capable of providing consent) to promote social, emotional and behavioural adjustment and attachment security in their loved one. For example, we might explore what is “behind” concerning behaviors or expressed emotions. I am a trained facilitator in the Connect Attachment Program and Emotion Focused Family Therapy and I incorporate aspects of both programs in my therapeutic work with parents. For example, I may help support you in being your child’s emotion and behavior coach, and together we might explore the attachment needs underling concerning emotions and behaviors.


I provide evidence-based treatment for a wide range of issues and concerns, including:


  • Externalizing problems or challenging behaviors

    • These behaviors may include whining, crying, screaming, swearing, hitting, running away, biting or worse

    • Sometimes children and youth with these types of behaviors have been told they are “oppositional” or “manipulative”; however, all the time-outs and other things tried are not only not working, but are making things worse

    • For externalizing and challenging behaviors, I often use an approach influenced by the work of Dr. Ross Greene called Collaborative and Proactive Solutions (CPS)

    • I work with parents/caregivers in understanding the meaning behind their child’s behaviors, what lagging skills the child needs help with, and to help kids and caregivers to solve the problems together

    • Depending on the age of the child and referral concern I may do individual therapy with the child or youth, we may have joint parent-child sessions, or I may only work with parents and caregivers.


  • Internalizing problems

    • These areas of difficulty are those “kept inside” such as anxiety, depression/sadness, frustration, shame, feeling unloved or unwanted, and low self-esteem

    • Sometimes externalizing and internalizing problem areas are linked (e.g., a sad and anxious child may hit, spit and hide)

    • Some of the warning signs of internalizing problems may include somatic complaints such as headaches, poor concentration and stomach aches. Youth may also be sleeping and eating more or less than usual. Sometimes kids have stopped engaging in activities they used to find pleasurable.

    • Treatment of internalizing problems may include talk therapy (for older children and youth) and play therapy for younger children

    • Treatment approaches are client centered and may involve cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) as well as emotion coaching for parents.


  • School refusal and avoidance

    • I work with both the child and parents/caregivers to be "detectives" in figuring out why the child/youth is refusing or avoiding school (e.g., separation anxiety, bullying, an unidentified learning disorder)

    • Treatment will depend on the underlying reasons, but typically I use a cognitive-behavioral approach in supporting children and youth with school refusal and avoidance


  • Grief and Loss

    • I can support children, youth and their parents when there is bereavement (including pets)

    • Experiencing grief firsthand is often confusing for kids. Therapy can support this by providing a safe place to talk about feelings and supporting healthy coping skills.

    • Parents and caregivers may be involved by learning about typical reactions to grief and loss, by providing a safe place for the child in a time of uncertainly, and to support the child’s healthy expression of feelings.


  • Adapting to changes

    • An adjustment disorder is an unusually strong or long-lasting reaction to a stressful event such as parents’ divorce, a relationship break-up (teens and young adults), or moving to a new house or school.

    • Children and youth may present with new or worsened externalizing or internalizing problems (e.g., anxiety, depression, temper outbursts, running away), as well as general irritability.

    • A sign that your child or youth may have an adjustment disorder is that their reaction lasts much longer than you would usually expect and significantly interferes with their daily life.

    • Treatment may be individual or involve caregivers, with therapeutic interventions related to the presenting concerns.


  • Encopresis (soiling/pooping) and enuresis (peeing)

    • Enuresis means urinating where a child shouldn’t (e.g., in bed or in clothing) and encopresis means defecating (pooping) where a child shouldn’t (e.g., in clothes or on the floor).

    • To have enuresis or encopresis a child must be old enough to be toilet trained, meaning 5 years old or older for enuresis and 4 years old or older for encopresis. As well, it must also happen regularly.

    • It may be important to rule out medical reasons before pursuing psychological interventions for enuresis and encropresis

    • Therapy involves working with parents/caregivers on using developmentally appropriate expectations, helping their child become aware of the signs their body uses to tell them they need to go to the bathroom, promoting healthy eating and drinking habits important for bowel and bladder control, and the use of positive behavioral supports

    • It is important to know that children almost never wet or soil their clothes to upset you. Most children would rather be able to use the toilet properly.


  • Sleep difficulties

    • I work with children, teens and parents/caregivers on concerns related to sleep problems that do not have a physiological cause. This may include difficulties falling and staying asleep, refusal to sleep in their own bed, and waking too early.

    • Sleep difficulties can create a sleepy, irritable and often poor-performing student at school, and a cranky, unhappy child or teenager at home.

    • Treatment may involve psycho-education (sleep hygiene), collecting data at home around sleep to figure out what is getting in the way, using CBT approaches to support improved sleep habits, and parent education around accommodation behaviors and the use of positive behavioral supports.


  • Bad Habits

    • I can work with children and youth on changing, reducing, or eliminating habits, such as thumb sucking, hair twirling, hair pulling (including eyebrows and eyelashes), scab and skin picking, and shirt chewing.

    • The treatment approach for changing and eliminating habits is typically cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and I like to work with both the child/youth and parents when this is the area of concern so that parents can support change at home.


  • Reducing screen time (TV, video games, phone)

    • If you are looking for help in supporting your child or teen to reduce their screen time I can help

    • Common challenges I support include helping parents/caregivers with setting limits and supporting their children to find alternatives to screen time.

    • I like to use a collaborative problem-solving approach and together we can work on a Family Media Use Plan based on the American Academy of Pediatrics’ recommendations


Click here to learn more about my fees for this service.


I offer consultation, education and workshops to schools or other organizations, particularly concerning supporting children and youth with mental health challenges and behavioral concerns. Please contact me to discuss your needs.

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